World Series, Vancouver British Columbia Canada on 21 June 2024

A thriving hub for innovation and entrepreneurship, with its picturesque landscapes and diverse population creating an environment conducive to growth and development.

In recent years, the city has witnessed a significant surge in its venture capital scene, making it a hotspot for startups and investors alike.

This introduction explores the dynamic venture capital landscape in Vancouver, highlighting key trends, notable players, and the factors contributing to its success.

The Rise of Vancouver as a Tech Hub:
Vancouver’s emergence as a prominent tech hub has been fueled by a combination of factors, including access to top-notch talent, a supportive ecosystem, and a strategic geographical location. The city boasts a robust infrastructure and a highly educated workforce, making it an ideal breeding ground for innovative startups.

Notable Venture Capital Firms:
Several venture capital firms have recognized the potential in Vancouver’s startup ecosystem and have set up shop in the city. Prominent names such as BDC Capital, Vanedge Capital, and Yaletown Partners have been actively investing in the local startup scene. These firms bring not only financial support but also valuable expertise and mentorship to the burgeoning companies they back.

Focus on Sustainable Tech:
One distinctive feature of Vancouver’s venture capital landscape is its emphasis on sustainable and environmentally conscious technology. With the city’s commitment to green initiatives and a strong desire to combat climate change, many startups are gaining traction in areas such as clean energy, sustainable transportation, and green technology.

Collaboration and Networking:
The close-knit nature of Vancouver’s business community has fostered a culture of collaboration and networking. Events like Vancouver Startup Week and networking organizations like the BC Tech Association provide platforms for entrepreneurs, investors, and industry professionals to connect and share ideas. This collaborative spirit has contributed significantly to the growth of the local venture capital scene.

Government Support:
The Canadian government has been instrumental in fostering innovation through various initiatives and funding programs. Programs like the Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax credit and the Canada Accelerator and Incubator Program (CAIP) provide financial support to startups, encouraging venture capital investment in the region.

Success Stories:
Vancouver has seen the rise of several successful startups that have attracted substantial venture capital funding. Companies like Lululemon, Canfor, and Telus have not only become household names but have also paved the way for a new generation of entrepreneurs and investors looking to make their mark on the global stage.

Vancouver’s venture capital scene is experiencing a golden era, with a thriving ecosystem that nurtures innovation and entrepreneurship. The combination of government support, active venture capital firms, a focus on sustainable tech, and a collaborative business community has positioned Vancouver as a key player in the global startup landscape. As the city continues to attract top talent and investment, it is poised to remain a hotspot for innovation and a driving force in the Canadian and international venture capital scenes.

Model Agenda (Final agenda sent two days before event's start date for registered delegates only)

Conference Location

The Monarch at The Pacific Centre – TCC Canada 777 Dunsmuir Street, Vancouver, BC, V6C 1X6, CA

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Cardiff 2016 Venture Capital World Summit
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