World Series, Hong Kong on 27 February 2024

The Asian finance and commercial hub is filled with exciting entrepreneurs and innovation from around South Asia and beyond.

Companies that are looking to connect and choose their best VCs in their views to go into business is always a considerate match making process, sometimes complex in final deals. Founders would like to be sure that they have the best possible investor match for their company’s vision. On the other hand, what the the VCs can offer in terms of resources, network and experience.

The Venture Capital World Summit with its own diversity, offers unique perspectives for our attendees and investees. Our vision and offering is based in helping and making companies grow fast by succeeding and reaching worldwide markets.

VCs are investing in a wide range of innovations from robotics, artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles, augmented reality, virtual reality, blockchain, quantum computing, internet of things, healthtech, foodtech, cleantech, proptech, among others.

At our event in Hong Kong, we are bringing our local and international partners to the summit, so don’t miss it.

The day will start at 09.00 hours am with registrations and networking. It will include presentations, discussions panels, networking sessions, pitches and meetings throughout the event.

Venture capital (VC) in Hong Kong refers to the investment of money, time, and resources into startup companies or small businesses with high growth potential. These businesses are often in their early stages of development and are seeking funding to help bring their ideas to fruition. VC firms in Hong Kong typically provide funding in exchange for equity in the company, and they work closely with the company’s founders to provide support and guidance as the business grows.

Hong Kong has a thriving VC scene, with a number of local and international firms operating in the city. Many of these firms focus on technology and innovation, and they often look for startups with strong teams and innovative ideas that have the potential to disrupt traditional industries. In recent years, there has been a surge in the number of VC deals in Hong Kong, with the city attracting billions of dollars in investment from around the world.

One of the key reasons for Hong Kong’s success as a VC hub is its strategic location. Located at the crossroads of Asia, Hong Kong is a gateway to the vast and rapidly growing markets of China and Southeast Asia. It is also a major hub for international trade and finance, with a well-developed legal system and a stable business environment. These factors make Hong Kong an attractive destination for VC firms looking to invest in the region.

In addition to its strategic location, Hong Kong has a number of other advantages that make it attractive to VC firms. For example, the city has a highly skilled and educated workforce, with a strong tradition of entrepreneurship and innovation. It also has a well-developed infrastructure, including an efficient transport network and world-class telecommunications facilities. These factors make it easier for startups to operate and grow in Hong Kong, which in turn makes the city more attractive to VC firms looking to invest.

Despite these advantages, there are also challenges to doing VC in Hong Kong. One of the main challenges is the high cost of living, which can make it difficult for startups to attract and retain top talent. Another challenge is the limited availability of funding, as many VC firms are based outside of Hong Kong and may not be familiar with the local market. Finally, there is also the challenge of competition, as there are many startups operating in the city and vying for a share of the available funding.

Overall, Hong Kong is a vibrant and dynamic VC hub, with a thriving ecosystem of startups, VC firms, and other support organizations. It offers a range of advantages to startups seeking funding, including its strategic location, skilled workforce, and well-developed infrastructure. While there are also challenges to doing VC in Hong Kong, these are offset by the many opportunities for growth and success that the city offers.

Hong Kong 2023 Venture Capital World Summit
Hong Kong 2024 Venture Capital World Summit

Model Agenda

Conference Location

TreeholeHK 178 Johnston Rd, Chinachem Johnston Plaza, 4/F Hong Kong Wan Chai Hong Kong SAR

Previous Conferences Around the World

Cardiff 2015 Venture Capital World Summit
New York Venture Capital World Summit Discussion Panel
Berlin 2018 Venture Capital World Summit
Cardiff 2016 Venture Capital World Summit
Cardiff 2013 Venture Capital World Summit
Amsterdam 2022 Venture Capital World Summit

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